"Together We Change Przemyśl" - we want to know your opinions

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are slowly approaching the end of the "Together we change Przemyśl" project, financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 and the state budget under the Local Development Program.

In connection with the work on the summary of its implementation, please answer a few questions about the current situation of the city and development tasks completed in recent years. Your opinions and recommendations will constitute a key element in summarizing the implementation of the program.
Thank you in advance for participating in the survey and sharing your opinions.

The survey is anonymous and takes about 5 minutes to complete. Unless otherwise indicated, please select only one answer.

Link to the survey: https://ankieta.deltapartner.org.pl/razem_zmieniamy_przemysl

logos of Norwegian funds and the coat of arms of Przemyśl

Published by: Witold Wołczyk Publication date: 15-04-2024 15:24