Training for residents and non-governmental organizations
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We cordially invite you to participate in a series of training courses addressed to residents of Przemyśl and representatives of non-governmental organizations.
The thematic scope of the training includes issues related to volunteering, submitting project applications, development of personal and team competences, effective planning and implementation of activities within non-governmental organizations, roles in social consultations and development of creative potential.
Each training constitutes an integral whole and lasts 4 days, 4 hours each, with breaks. For your convenience, the organizers have planned meetings both in the morning, in the afternoon and on Saturdays. We encourage you to participate in several training courses. After completing a given module, each participant will receive a certificate. The number of places is limited, the order of applications decides. All training is free!
The training is conducted by: Renata Stefaniak and Małgorzata Sielska.
Additional information is provided by: Social Activation Center, ul. Słowackiego 13, 37-700 Przemyśl
Contact: (+48) 16 648 30 98 or
The Social Activation Center project (non-investment part) is an element of the project: "Together We Change Przemyśl" financed from external funds, 85% from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 and 15% from the state budget under the Local Development program.
Examples of thematic scopes of individual training courses
- Volunteering - who is a volunteer? whether a member of the association is a volunteer; who can benefit from the help of volunteers; whether the volunteer is an employee; what are the obligations towards volunteers; what questions need to be answered if we are looking for volunteers, how to start this cooperation; how to organize cooperation with volunteers; what to do to make the organization "volunteer friendly"; whether a volunteer can support the organization in its paid activities; whether an organization that does not have the status of a public benefit organization can sign a contract with a volunteer; internships and volunteering; whether the value of volunteers' working time can be included in direct costs; how to value the work of volunteers for the needs of an application or project.
- Roles in public consultations and local consultations for non-governmental organizations - definition of public consultations; what roles non-governmental organizations can play in public consultations; functions of non-governmental organizations in public consultations; typology of consultation participants; local consultations with non-governmental organizations.
- Creative potential - how to effectively develop creativity and creative behavior in yourself and in other people, and how to minimize barriers to thinking and instead train thought processes without embarrassment and boredom; what is creativity, differences in creativity between people, individual and environmental predispositions; developing creativity, methods, practices, good examples; creativity in everyday life, creative tasks; synergy effect in teamwork; assessment of predispositions and creative products; dealing with emotions through creation; selected creative thinking techniques and their usefulness in everyday work.
- Development of personal competences - acquiring practical skills in planning and organizing work (setting priorities, planning and organizing work, monitoring progress in planned activities, using tools to create an effective time management system, identifying and eliminating factors that disrupt work); effective use of tools enabling the creation of an effective time management system; monitoring progress in planned activities; working under time pressure, identifying and eliminating factors that disrupt work; understanding the essence of the mechanisms that create stress; learning different approaches and methods of dealing with stress; learning the principles of assertiveness; managing emotions in interpersonal relationships; creativity; learning the essence of self-motivation; learning memory techniques (e.g. effective notes); getting to know your interpersonal communication style; learning the rules of negotiations.
- Development of team competences - building a positive team working atmosphere, caring for relationships and trust; communicating the organization's goals and the relationship between members' tasks and the goals set for the team and individual members; shaping a work culture open to bottom-up initiatives to improve the implementation of tasks and implement innovative solutions; decision-making skills; principles of conflict resolution; listening skills; learning techniques and principles of effective communication in a team and identifying tools and principles for building an effectively functioning, cooperative team; learning methods/techniques on how to conduct difficult conversations with subordinates; learning how to unleash enthusiasm in the team and increase commitment to the task.
- Effective planning and implementation of activities within non-governmental organizations - strengthening the functioning of non-governmental organizations; learning about the process of developing a strategic plan and its individual stages; learning effective techniques and tools supporting the planning and implementation of a non-governmental organization's development program; learning the principles of human resources management in a non-governmental organization; learning tools supporting the management process: schedules, regulations, various forms of communication; learning about the strategic planning process, tailored to the needs of NGOs; learning the importance of individual stages of strategic planning: from the mission to the operational plan; learning tools and techniques useful during strategic planning; learning methods and tools that allow you to move more effectively to your fundraising plan; the opportunity to compare the situation of one's own organization with representatives of other NGOs; positive narratives and strategies for engaging the target group (how to map content and create highly engaging content; planning campaigns using tools related to hypertargeting and storytelling).
Correct submission of project applications - learning the principles of project construction; creating and completing applications in the generator; learning the rules for qualifying costs and how to present them in the application; project effect indicators; what is a social project; how does a project differ from a funding application; what is design logic; how to plan a project; how to increase the chances of obtaining money for the project; what are the key stages of preparing a good application; what to pay attention to at each stage of writing an application; how to read a competition announcement for a grant and how to translate this information into making the application more attractive, and what are the most common mistakes and how to avoid them; what is organizational design; why projects are created in non-governmental organizations; how to obtain money for the project; what is project monitoring and evaluation?
Registration of participation in training
Applications for participation in selected training courses can be made in person at the Social Activation Center, by phone, e-mail or using the form below.
Obowiązek informacyjny dot. przetwarzania danych osobowych.pdf (543,33KB)