It's time for a Social Activation Center!

Another project implemented as part of the "Together We Change Przemyśl" project, financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the state budget, has reached its happy ending. It must be admitted, however, that the official opening and launch of the Social Activation Center, which took place on October 18 this year, is just the beginning of the road to having the premises at ul. J. Słowackiego 13 has become a real center of activity for Przemyśl NGOs. Plans related to training, consulting, events and other activities are very ambitious.

Loga programu, herb miasta i nazwa programu: Razem Zmieniamy Przemyśl finansowany ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego na lata 2014 - 2021 w ramach Programu Rozwój Lokalny

There have been efforts for many years to create a place where members of various non-governmental organizations operating in Przemyśl, there are about 200 of them, can meet. Ultimately, it was thanks to the funds obtained by the city through the "Together We Change Przemyśl" project implemented under the Local Development Program that the premises intended for this purpose were adapted and equipped. It is here that the President's Plenipotentiary for Non-Governmental Organizations, Robert Gawlik, also found his new headquarters.

Already on the first day, before the official opening, a meeting of parents and guardians of people with disabilities was held at CAS - organized by Porozumienie POMOST, which best proves how much such a meeting place was expected. During the official opening, members of organizations and bodies bringing together activists from various social groups were present: the Przemyśl Council of Public Benefit Activities, the Council of Seniors, and the Przemyśl Women's Council.

Robert Gawlik wita zebranych gości

- I am very pleased to welcome you to the newly opened Social Activation Center. After many, many years, thanks to Norwegian funds and the determination of many people, and especially thanks to the President, who piloted this project from the very beginning, we have finally managed to host you in this Center. It will serve our residents and local non-governmental organizations for many, many years - welcomed the host of this place, the President's Plenipotentiary, Robert Gawlik.

Przywitanie gości przez Prezydenta Wojciecha Bakuna

The official opening of CAS was performed by the Mayor of Przemyśl, Wojciech Bakun:

- Most non-governmental organizations cannot afford their own headquarters, hence the idea to create a place that they will share. And of course we are glad that we managed to create them thanks to Norwegian funds, but I am sure that the appetite grows as we eat, and that is good, because development is necessary. Therefore, we are already thinking about further steps and acquiring the building of a nearby former synagogue for CAS needs. Thanks to this, all organizations gathered here will be able to use not only the office and meeting space located here, but also organize their concerts, exhibitions, performances, etc. events. (...)

CAS is a place that will soon come to life, it is your facility, for your use. Come here from morning to evening, we will try to make the place available all day long. This is not only a 120-square-meter premises, but also the entire range of services that CAS will offer you, from training in obtaining financing and its settlement, through legal advice, to other activities that you will need - we have funds for this from the funds Norwegian.

Pełnomocnik ds. Organizacji Pozarządowych symbolicznie przekazał zebranym na spotkaniu klucze do Centrum Aktywizacji Społecznej, co było oficjalnym otwarciem lokalu. Na naszej stronie w dziale Dla mieszkańca=>Polityka Społeczna=>Centrum Aktywizacji Społecznej znajdować się będą aktualne informacje nt. działalności CAS, a także kalendarium wydarzeń. 


The priority tasks of CAS will include supporting non-governmental organizations in obtaining financial resources, i.e. subsidies, grants, competitions and legal, accounting and administrative consulting. CAS will be a friendly place for all types of non-governmental organizations. Ultimately, CAS may function as an Incubator of Civic Initiatives. CAS will provide support for newly established associations, consultations and coaching.

The premises of the Center are located in a place without architectural barriers and publicly accessible, which is friendly to people with physical disabilities and seniors. It is also located in the city center with easy access to public transport.

LOGO CAS oraz godziny otwarcia: 
Urząd Miejski w Przemyślu
Centrum Aktywizacji Społecznej
ul. Juliusza Słowackiego 13
37-700 Przemyśl
tel. 16 648 30 98
Czynne od poniedziałku do piątku
w godzinach od 7.30 do 18.00

The project of the Social Activation Center (investment part) is an element of the project: "Together We Change Przemyśl" financed from external funds, 85% from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 and 15% from the state budget under the Local Development program.

text and photos: Witold Wołczyk

Opublikował(a): Witold Wołczyk Data publikacji: 24-10-2023 15:23 Modyfikował(a): Witold Wołczyk Data modyfikacji: 24-10-2023 15:22