PRL Partner - Przemyska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.
Przemyska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. was entered into the National Court Register on 20.08.2004. PARR S.A. is classified in the group of institutions supporting business, which are defined as Business Support Organisations (BSO). Such classification results i.a. from the statute of the company, according to which the aim of PARR S.A. activity is i.a:
- supporting social and economic development of the city of Przemyśl and the Przemyśl region,
- initiating and promoting entrepreneurship
- initiating and supporting economic and organizational initiatives for creating new workplaces and reducing unemployment,
- undertaking all activities for the development of micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
PARR S.A. conducts a wide range of activities aimed at the development of the region, in particular the city of Przemyśl and the county of Przemyśl. The Agency realizes its statutory tasks to a large extent through implementation of projects financed from external resources, including those of the European Union.
Implemented projects include assistance in establishing and conducting business activity, organization of vocational training for the employed, unemployed and people at risk of losing their jobs, organization of internships and promotion of the tourist potential of the city of Przemyśl and the Przemyśl poviat.
Services offered by PARR S.A. are addressed to entrepreneurs, individuals, in particular those interested in establishing their own business activity, local government units and housing cooperatives and communities.
Partner's phone and address data
Przemyska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.
7/1 Rev. Piotr Skargi St.
37-700 Przemyśl
Telephone: (+48 16) 633 63 88
NIP: 7952328237
REGON: 651552451
CC: 0000215398